Saint of the Day

Saint Bonaventure In Prayer

Saint Bonaventure

Saint Bonaventure was in many ways the second founder of the Franciscan Order. He served as the Minister General of the Franciscans and as the Cardinal Bishop of Albano. Through his teaching, writing, and mysticism, Bonaventure captured the spirit of ...
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Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha

Known as the Lily of the Mohawks, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha courageously converted to Catholicism at age 19 despite her family's disapproval. She was ostracized and forced into extreme poverty. Escaping to Montreal, Kateri continued to live a life of prayer ...
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Saint Henry

Saint Henry

Saint Henry, a German king and Holy Roman Emperor, lived life according to the customs of his times, but did it in a holy way. He is a clear witness to the holiness of secular life lived according to the ...
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Saints John Jones and John Wall

Saints John Jones and John Wall

Saints John Jones and John Wall were ordained diocesan priests who later joined the Franciscans. Living almost a century apart, these two saints shared a common characteristic.
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Saint Benedict

Saint Benedict

Saint Benedict is known as the Father of Western Monasticism due to his great influence on the shape and character of monastic life in the West. Living the life of a hermit, others witnessed his lifestyle and wanted to follow.
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Saint Veronica Giuliani

A Capuchin Poor Clare nun, Saint Veronica Giuliani received the unique gift of the stigmata of Christ. Few people have been blessed with these marks; Saint Francis of Assisi was probably the most notable among them.
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