Saint of the Day

Stained Glass window of Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions

Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions

Among the Chinese martyrs was the diocesan priest, Father Augustine Zhao Rong. Facing the strong anti-foreign and anti-Catholic feelings present in China for centuries, these martyrs were caught up in a situation that in many ways had nothing to do ...
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Saint Gregory Grassi

Saint Gregory Grassi and Companions

Among the 120 Chinese martyrs canonized in 2000 were Saint Gregory Grassi and companions. Victims of political maneuverings by other countries these Franciscan men and women, along with lay men and women, gave their lives in service of the Chinese ...
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blessed emmanuel ruiz and companions

Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions

Franciscan friar Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz and his companions were tortured and killed for their faith in 1860. Little else is known about them, but the testimony of their lives speaks volumes.
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Stained Glass Window of Saint Maria Goretti

Saint Maria Goretti

Saint Maria Goretti has captured the love and affection of thousands of people because of the simplicity and purity of her life.
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Statue of Saint Anthony Zaccaria

Saint Anthony Zaccaria

Saint Anthony Zaccaria lived only 36 years, but he founded three religious communities and contributed to the reformation of the Church. He insisted on various religious or devotional practices to renew the spiritual life of the clergy, religious, and laity.
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Saint Elizabeth of Portugal

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal did not have an easy time in spite of the fact that she was royalty. She spent her life seeking peace between herself and her unfaithful husband, and between many of her relatives. Elizabeth saw some ...
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