Saint of the Day

Painting of Saint Thomas the Apostle

Saint Thomas

We don’t know a lot about Saint Thomas the Apostle, but tradition has it that he traveled to and preached the gospel in India, where he was eventually martyred. His name means “twin,” and due to his skepticism, he is ...
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Saint Oliver Plunkett

Saint Oliver Plunkett

Saint Oliver Plunkett may not be a household name in the United States but he certainly is well known in the British Isles. The Archbishop of Armagh, Plunkett led his archdiocese through the rough days of persecution of Catholics.
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A statue of St. Junipero Serra sits among flowers outside San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo Mission in Carmel, Calif. The Spanish missionary was canonized by Pope Francis last year under the title of "apostle of California." St. Junipero's feast is July 1. (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec)

Saint Junipero Serra

Mission San Gabriel Arcangel in San Gabriel, Calif., is seen in this 2015 file photo. The fourth mission established by St. Junipero Serra caught fire before sunrise July 11, 2020. (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec)
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Drawing of first Martyrs of Rome

First Martyrs of the Church of Rome

Around the year 64, the city of Rome experienced a devastating fire. Emperor Nero blamed it on the Christians, and a severe persecution followed. Included in the mass murder of Christians were the First Martyrs of Rome. We don’t know ...
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Painting of Saints Peter and Paul

Saints Peter and Paul

We celebrate two great saints today, Saints Peter and Paul. Saint Peter is often considered the Apostle to the Jews and Saint Paul to the Gentiles (based, most probably, on his extensive travels among the Gentiles). Together they witnessed to ...
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Stained Glass window of Saint Irenaeus

Saint Irenaeus

While we know little about the birth and death of Saint Irenaeus, we know that his life’s work of fighting Gnosticism had a tremendous influence on the theology of the Church.
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