Saint of the Day

Statue of Saint Cyril of Alexandria

Saint Cyril of Alexandria

Saint Cyril of Alexandria was instrumental in the Church’s doctrinal statement that there is one person but two natures in Christ. The practical implication of this teaching is that we believe that Jesus is truly God and truly human.
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Painting of Blessed Raymond Lull

Blessed Raymond Lull

A Secular Franciscan, Blessed Raymond Lull spent his life supporting the study of languages necessary for successful work in the missions. It wasn’t until late in life that he saw any fruition of his labors, when language chairs were established ...
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Grave monument of Blessed Jutta of Thuringia

Blessed Jutta of Thuringia

Blessed Jutta of Thuringia, a noble woman with children, became a widow at a young age. She used her means to provide for the children, but once they were grown, she disposed of her wealth, became a Secular Franciscan, and ...
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Painting of Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

Saint John the Baptist is one of the few saints who have two feast days. Today we celebrate his birth, which Saint Luke narrates in his Gospel. There Luke draws a parallel between the births of Jesus and John, pointing ...
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Drawing of Saint John Fisher

Saint John Fisher

Saint John Fisher’s name is usually associated with Saint Thomas More and their difficulty with King Henry VIII. A bishop and cardinal, John Fisher refused to agree with Henry’s divorce and remarriage, as well as the idea that the king, ...
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Painting of Saint Thomas Moore

Saint Thomas More

Made famous by his own holy life and featured in the movie "A Man for All Seasons," Saint Thomas More is the patron of those in the legal profession. Husband, father, chancellor, and lawyer, Thomas More was reluctantly martyred by ...
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