Saint of the Day

Painting of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga was a precocious child who had a spiritual awakening at the age of 7. As a young adult, and after a prolonged battle with his father, he entered the Jesuits where he had to learn to live ...
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Stained Glass Window of Saint Paul

Saint Paulinus of Nola

Saint Paulinus was a married priest and bishop. In his day, marriage was not an impediment to the priesthood. Though married for many years, Saint Paulinus and his wife were childless. When they finally were blessed with a son, he ...
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Fresco of Saint Romuald

Saint Romuald

Saint Romuald had the strange experience of being uncomfortably holy and asked to leave a monastery. When he tried to become a missionary, he was repeatedly hindered by an illness. Next he was falsely accused and excommunicated for a few ...
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Statue of Venerable Matt Talbot

Venerable Matt Talbot

Perhaps no one has done more to address the issue of alcoholism than Venerable Matt Talbot. An active alcoholic himself, he designed a program of support that has helped millions. Many are thankful.
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Statue of Saint Joseph Cafasso

Saint Joseph Cafasso

At a time when rigorist ideas were rampant in the seminaries of Italy, Saint Joseph Cafasso proved to be a moderate, leading the students to the best of Catholic thought without going to extremes. He also encouraged them to join ...
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Statue of Saint Join Francis Regis

Saint John Francis Regis

Known for his long hours of prayer and notable ability to communicate, John Francis Regis served the people of France during a “dry” period, when the faith and the Church seemed in decline. He conducted missions to counteract the malaise.
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