Saint of the Day

Picture of Venerable Pierre Toussaint

Venerable Pierre Toussaint

Born in Haiti and brought to New York City as a slave, Venerable Pierre Toussaint lived an exemplary Catholic life both before and after gaining his freedom. Married and then widowed, Pierre continued his charitable works well into his elder ...
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Stained Glass Window of Saint Augustine of Canterbury

Saint Augustine of Canterbury

Saint Augustine of Canterbury, a monk, was the first bishop of Canterbury. While he only labored for another eight years after establishing the diocese, his influence lives on. Part of his success, limited though it was, was due to his ...
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Painting of Saint Philip Neri

Saint Philip Neri

For many years after his student days, Saint Philip Neri lived as a layman engaged in prayer and apostolic works in Rome. During this time, he attracted many to join him—poor and rich. After ordination, he became a noted confessor ...
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Painting of Saint Bede the Venerable

Saint Bede the Venerable

Saint Bede the Venerable almost never left his monastery once he became a monk, but he influenced the entire Church of his day. One of the most well-rounded scholars, he wrote and taught in all areas of knowledge. Bede's writings ...
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Painting of the ecstasy of Saint Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi

Saint Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi

Saint Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi is known as the “ecstatic saint” because of her unusual gifts from God. To safeguard the authenticity of her visions, her confessor had her dictate them to fellow sisters. The result was five volumes encompassing ...
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Painting of pope Gregory VII

Saint Gregory VII

Saint Gregory VII, originally known as Hildebrand, was a reformer before and during his papacy. He struggled to gain the Church's freedom from undue civil influence and paid a price for his efforts. Gregory VII died in exile in 1085. ...
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