Saint of the Day

Statue of Saint Ignatius of Laconi

Saint Ignatius of Laconi

Saint Ignatius of Laconi spent 40 years begging for the friars. He endeared himself to the local people and inspired them by his virtue. If it hadn’t been for an accident, Ignatius might never have become a Capuchin friar.
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Photo of Saint Damien de Veuster of Moloka’i

Saint Damien de Veuster of Moloka’i

Saint Damien de Veuster became so well known for his work among the lepers in Hawaii that Moloka’i almost became his surname. Dedicating his life to those suffering from Hansen's disease, Damien made the world aware of their plight. He ...
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Portrait of Saint John of Avila

Saint John of Avila

Saint John of Avila had some pretty impressive friends—Francis Borgia, Ignatius of Loyola, John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila—to name just a few. These saints, along with John, were all part of a reform of the Church in Spain. ...
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Saint Peter of Tarentaise

Saint Peter of Tarentaise

Have you ever felt like running away from your job? Saint Peter of Tarentaise “disappeared” from his diocese to an abbey where he quietly prayed for about a year. Called back to ministry, Peter performed his duties to his diocese ...
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Statue of Saint Rose Venerini

Saint Rose Venerini

The death of a fiancé can be traumatic, and Saint Rose Venerini responded by joining a convent. That is not where God was calling her, however. She returned home to care for her widowed mother and eventually became a teacher, ...
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Saints Marian and James in the colosseum

Saints Marian and James

Two almost unknown martyrs courageously witnessed to the world many years ago about their faith. Saints Marian and James were martyred in the 3rd century, yet their deaths still speak to the Church today.
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