Saint of the Day

Saint Matthew
Saint of the Day

Saint Matthew

Matthew was a Jew who worked for the Romans as a tax collector. His fellow Jews considered him a traitor and resented him. The Pharisees viewed him, and all tax collectors, as sinners. So it was a real shock to hear that Jesus called such a man to be one of his followers. But that’s the kind of thing that Jesus did.

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Saint Benedict Joseph Labre

Saint Benedict Joseph Labre

Saint Benedict Joseph Labre lived a poor life in the ruins of the Colosseum. To the uneducated eye, he appeared to be a pitiable figure, but the people of Rome saw him as a saint. He was known as the ...
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Photo of Saint Bernadette Soubirous

Saint Bernadette Soubirous

Saint Bernadette was a poor, uneducated peasant girl who no one would believe had seen apparitions of the Blessed Mother. But Mary had appeared to her, and Lourdes has become a popular shrine of devotion to Mary, the Immaculate Conception, ...
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Portrait of Saint Caesar de Bus

Saint Caesar de Bus

Saint Caesar de Bus decided to become a priest after a very negative experience in the military. He was successful in his ministry to combat heresy by teaching catechesis to ordinary parishioners.
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Statue of Blessed Peter Gonzalez

Blessed Peter Gonzalez

Blessed Peter Gonzalez had a bad experience while riding a horse that changed the course of his life. He became a Dominican, was ordained a priest, and worked in the court of King Ferdinand III.
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Statue of Saint Martin I

Saint Martin I

Pope Saint Martin I is considered a martyr for the faith even though he was not killed outright. He witnessed to the true faith by his consistent and constant teaching, which resulted in physical and mental torture.
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Prayer wall at Santuario de Saint Teresa of Los Andes

Saint Teresa of Los Andes

A long life is not necessary for holiness, as Saint Teresa of Los Andes proves. Not quite 20 years old when she died, she left a legacy rich in virtue—rich enough for her to be considered a saint.
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