Saint of the Day

Saint Matthew
Saint of the Day

Saint Matthew

Matthew was a Jew who worked for the Romans as a tax collector. His fellow Jews considered him a traitor and resented him. The Pharisees viewed him, and all tax collectors, as sinners. So it was a real shock to hear that Jesus called such a man to be one of his followers. But that’s the kind of thing that Jesus did.

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Saint Vincent Ferrer

Saint Vincent Ferrer

We presently have two living Popes, but they are not both contending for the papacy. That was not the case in the lifetime of Saint Vincent Ferrer.
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Saint Isidore of Seville

Saint Isidore of Seville

Saint Isidore of Seville was a prolific writer and capable administrator of his diocese. Following his brother as bishop of Seville, he founded schools and seminaries, and he was known for his encyclopedic knowledge. Perhaps Isidore's greatest accomplishment is that ...
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Statue of Saint Benedict the African

Saint Benedict the African

Saint Benedict the African, also called Saint Benedict the Moor and Saint Benedict the Black, lived the life of a slave until he was 18. After joining the Franciscans, he held positions of leadership. He was known for his poverty ...
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Saint Francis of Paola

Saint Francis of Paola

Saint Francis of Paola wanted to live a quiet life of solitude. He managed to do this in a cave near Paola, but soon followers began to gather. He formed them into a community which emphasized pretty severe penance and ...
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Saint Hugh of Grenoble

Saint Hugh of Grenoble

Saint Hugh of Grenoble proves that you can’t run away from your problems—even if you run to a monastery. Saint Hugh tried it, and the Pope called him back to his diocese. Once he settled down, Saint Hugh did great ...
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Illustration of Saint Stephen of Mar Saba

Saint Stephen of Mar Saba

Saint Stephen of Mar Saba, the nephew of Saint John Damascene, became acquainted with monastic life at the age of 10.
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