Saint of the Day

Saint Matthew
Saint of the Day

Saint Matthew

Matthew was a Jew who worked for the Romans as a tax collector. His fellow Jews considered him a traitor and resented him. The Pharisees viewed him, and all tax collectors, as sinners. So it was a real shock to hear that Jesus called such a man to be one of his followers. But that’s the kind of thing that Jesus did.

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bronze Statue of Saint Peter Regalado

Saint Peter Regalado

Living right on the edge of some unsettling social and ecclesial changes, Saint Peter Regalado chose to turn to poverty and simplicity to find his path to God. Leading a small band of friars, he strove to live Franciscan poverty ...
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Statue of Saint Ludovico of Casoria

Saint Ludovico of Casoria

The first part of Saint Ludovico of Casoria’s life was somewhat “ordinary,” but not the second. Having had what he called a mystical experience, he began establishing institutions for all kinds of people in need. He even founded two religious ...
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Saint Catharine of Bologna

Saint Catharine of Bologna

The obscurity of the Poor Clare life seems somewhat expected, yet Saint Catharine of Bologna was well known for her holiness. Even in the quiet Poor Clare life, nuns can be examples for the whole Church.
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Mosaic of Saint Gregory of Narek

Saint Gregory of Narek

As the world observed the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire, Pope Francis concelebrated a Mass at the Vatican with Patriarch Nerses Bedros XIX Tarmouni and declared this monk, poet, and saint of the Armenian Apostolic ...
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Stained Glass Window of Saint Catherine of Genoa

Saint Catherine of Genoa

Saint Catherine of Genoa wanted to be a nun, but was rejected due to her youth. Instead she married, converted her husband to a life of virtue, and together they cared for the poor.
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Annunciation of the Lord

Annunciation of the Lord

Some people consider today the feast of the Incarnation of Jesus—instead of Christmas—since it is today that we celebrate the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity becoming flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
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