Saint of the Day

Saint Matthew
Saint of the Day

Saint Matthew

Matthew was a Jew who worked for the Romans as a tax collector. His fellow Jews considered him a traitor and resented him. The Pharisees viewed him, and all tax collectors, as sinners. So it was a real shock to hear that Jesus called such a man to be one of his followers. But that’s the kind of thing that Jesus did.

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Photo of Saint Oscar Arnulfo Romero by the Trevi Fountatin

Saint Oscar Arnulfo Romero

Already considered a saint by the people of El Salvador and elsewhere, Oscar Romero was recognized as a martyr for the faith in 2015. The time when he was Archbishop of San Salvador was a period of civil unrest and ...
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Painting of Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo

Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo

Prominent in the history of the Catholic Church in Peru, Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo supported the rights of the native people. He was nominated to be Archbishop of Lima, Peru, by King Philip II of Spain. Not even a priest ...
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Saint Nicholas Owen

Saint Nicholas Owen

Saint Nicholas Owen was a creative builder who helped the persecuted Catholic priests of England find hiding places. Because of his important work, the fact that he joined the Jesuits was held secret. Arrested a final time in 1606, Nicholas ...
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Painting of Blessed John of Parma

Blessed John of Parma

Blessed John of Parma lived at a crucial time in the Franciscan Order and the Church. Saint Francis’ followers were in need of reorganization and the Church was in schism. Blessed John helped with both issues.
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Etching of Saint Salvator of Horta

Saint Salvator of Horta

Well aware of a person’s need to be in right relationship with God and others, Saint Salvator of Horta encouraged people seeking healing to go to confession and to receive Holy Communion. Good advice for all.
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Painting of Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary talking to an Angel

Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary

We know very little about Saint Joseph, except that he was the husband of Mary and foster-father of Jesus. Scripture calls him a just man and points out a few incidences in which he showed virtuous behavior. After he and ...
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