Saint of the Day

Saint Matthew
Saint of the Day

Saint Matthew

Matthew was a Jew who worked for the Romans as a tax collector. His fellow Jews considered him a traitor and resented him. The Pharisees viewed him, and all tax collectors, as sinners. So it was a real shock to hear that Jesus called such a man to be one of his followers. But that’s the kind of thing that Jesus did.

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Stained Glass Window of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

Saint Cyril of Jerusalem

Life in the fourth century was anything but dull, as the life of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem proves. The Church was facing a major crisis and Cyril was one of the men who worked through the controversies. Thanks to courageous ...
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Statue of Saint Patrick if Ireland

Saint Patrick

We probably know more legends about Saint Patrick than facts. But from the amount of work he did, and by the after-effects of that work, we can understand what type of man he was.
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State of Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer

Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer

Together Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer and his fellow Redemptorist Thaddeus, preached five sermons per day while working in Warsaw, Poland.
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Statue of Saint Louise de Marillac

Saint Louise de Marillac

Saint Louise de Marillac had an open heart for the poor. Along with Saint Vincent de Paul, she eventually formed what would become a religious order known as the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul.
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Saint Maximilian

Saint Maximilian

Saint Maximilian of Tebessa—not to be confused with Saint Maximilian Kolbe who lived centuries later—refused military service and was martyred as a result.
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Painting of Saint Leander of Seville

Saint Leander of Seville

Saint Leander of Seville was a Catholic bishop surrounded by Arians for much of his life. He fought hard to restore faith in the divinity of Christ, using the profession of the Nicene Creed as a tool.
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