Saint of the Day

Painting of Saint Frances of Rome
Saint of the Day

Saint Frances of Rome

Saint Frances of Rome is a good example of what Vatican II hoped for—an active laity who take their baptismal call seriously. Although she lived centuries before the Council, her life shows that the call for an active, dedicated laity has been a part of the Church all along.

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Painting of Saint Leander of Seville

Saint Leander of Seville

Saint Leander of Seville was a Catholic bishop surrounded by Arians for much of his life. He fought hard to restore faith in the divinity of Christ, using the profession of the Nicene Creed as a tool.
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Portrait of Blessed Angela Salawa

Blessed Angela Salawa

Blessed Angela Salawa was a maid for many years, eventually becoming a Secular Franciscan who instructed other young domestics in their faith.
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saint john ogilvie in a noose

Saint John Ogilvie

A convert from Calvinism, Saint John Ogilvie joined the Jesuits and was ordained to the priesthood. Doing secret ministry in Scotland, John was arrested and tortured for a number of days before being martyred on March 10, 1615.
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Stained Glass Window of Saint Dominic Savio

Saint Dominic Savio

A student of Saint John Bosco, Saint Dominic Savio organized a group of students to minister to boys who needed guidance and help. Due to illness, however, Dominic never fulfilled his dream of becoming a priest.
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Saint Oswald

Saint Oswald

Saint Oswald knew people in high places─his uncle was the archbishop of Canterbury. But even though he received “favors” from his uncle, he served humbly and gained holiness through God's grace.
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