Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The doctrine of the Assumption of Mary is recent: 1950. But the belief among the faithful that Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven at the time of her death dates to the early Church.
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The doctrine of the Assumption of Mary is recent: 1950. But the belief among the faithful that Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven at the time of her death dates to the early Church.
Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe, a Conventual Franciscan, is best known for volunteering to take the place of a condemned prisoner in a death camp. But he also worked tirelessly for the spiritual welfare of people through his deep devotion to the Blessed Mother.
Whether or not Saint Mary Magdalene was a notorious sinner—and she most likely was not—she was one of the women who traveled with Jesus and the Apostles, and was present at the cross. She also was the one chosen to bring the good news of the resurrection to the Apostles.
Saint Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi is known as the “ecstatic saint” because of her unusual gifts from God. To safeguard the authenticity of her visions, her confessor had her dictate them to fellow sisters. The result was five volumes encompassing ecstasies, letters, and inspirational sayings. But her life was not all sweetness; she also battled with temptations.
Sister Mary Gemma found encouragement in St. Francis, whose “radical love for God always inspired me. He set aside so many of the good things of this world in order to love Jesus and follow him more closely.”
When life gets tangled, who better to go to than our mother?
Together Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer and his fellow Redemptorist Thaddeus, preached five sermons per day while working in Warsaw, Poland.
Stop trying. Stop forcing reality. Learn the mystery of surrender and trust, and then it will be done unto you, through you, with you, in you, and, very often, in spite of you
As Mary grew older, what would she have thought about her role in the story of our faith tradition? A Franciscan writer imagines just that.
Here’s Mother’s Day in a different light.
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