Film Reviews with Sister Rose
Sister Rose Pacatte, FSP, reviews Crazy Rich Asians, The Apparition, and The Spy Who Dumped Me.
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Sister Rose Pacatte, FSP, reviews Crazy Rich Asians, The Apparition, and The Spy Who Dumped Me.
The V Encuentro process aims to reawaken the faith and gifts of Hispanic Catholics in the United States.
This text presents three programs at AFCU schools in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. These initiatives were described during breakout sessions at the recent Association of Franciscan Colleges and Universities’ June 2018 symposium held at the University of St. Francis in Joliet, Illinois. In even-numbered years, the AFCU holds a symposium at one of the Association’s 27 member schools.
During the 50th anniversary of a key year in the civil rights movement, St. Francis School looks to the future in Mississippi.
Father Mamich’s kidney condition was worsening, and he wasn’t sure where to turn next. The answer, as it turns out, was in the pews all along.
The prayers we learned in childhood don’t have to be left there.
“But I am pretty sure [my friend] never imagined the day she would calm me on the phone after an irregular mammogram, the day she would see the reality of what I meant by severe anxiety and self-harm tendencies, what she would come to know about the roots of my pain and shame.
As John Paul II explained, the repeated prayers in the rosary help us get more in touch with the deepest desires in our souls for God.
Sometimes the key to growing our faith is a return to the basics.
What were the customs in Jesus’ day for young Jewish people regarding courtship, engagements, and physical intimacy before marriage? What about any children conceived or born before the wedding?
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