I Am Not in Control
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not harm you,’” Jeremiah 29:11. Living in accordance with God’s plans means to cooperate with God.
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“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not harm you,’” Jeremiah 29:11. Living in accordance with God’s plans means to cooperate with God.
The life of Francis shows us that right relationship in creation is not easy. He heard the words spoken by the crucified Christ—“go rebuild my
I cannot find any passage in the Gospels where Jesus condemns slavery. Have I missed something?
Father Mark Anthony Zarate, OFM, is bringing the energy of a young priest to an urban Philippine parish of 10,000 Catholics. “Here in the parish,
To speak of creation as our home is to speak of creation as relationship. The word creation implies relationship, unlike the word nature, which holds no inherent religious meaning.
What do you want clarity on right now? Sometimes it takes such patience in prayer, waiting for guidance, of choices we need to make, things we might need to say to a loved one, or paths to take.
With reflection we can see links between past and present, the whole web of our lives shining with God’s presence. God knew exactly what we needed and provided it.
Francis taught the brothers to accept the gifts of God’s goodness in creation and to respond with grateful hearts through bonds of love, care, concern, and companionship.
In some ways our modern lives are easier, but has not this distancing from agriculture contributed to our alienation from creation?
In episode one of Franciscan Media’s Off the Page podcast, Bruce Epperly talks about his new book about St. Bonaventure, Head, Heart, and Hands, and Bonaventure’s own transformative experience at La Verna
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