The Rosary Changes Us
The rosary is an invitation for the Spirit to introduce new awareness of God’s presence.
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The rosary is an invitation for the Spirit to introduce new awareness of God’s presence.
Have you known a priest (or priests) along your journey who has helped transform your faith, trust, and hope?
Perhaps the most beautiful truth about prayer is that it is never really ours.
Prayer is the cornerstone of Franciscan life, fostering a deep relationship with God.
The God we see in this image is a God of such overflowing love that it spills over into all of creation and into our hearts.
One of the most challenging things about grief is trusting God with the person we have lost, especially when it feels like God is silent in our suffering.
Francis himself realized that prayer or fasting cannot change one’s heart. Only God can.
While few humans are blessed with receiving a beatific vision—or seeing God directly—most of us, like Moses, see God’s back after God has come and gone. In other words, we see (or experience) God in hindsight, through holy aha moments.
In writing to a Poor Clare, St. Bonaventure said, “Your heart is to be an altar of God. It is here that the fire of intense love must burn always.”
Celtic spiritual guides identified certain geographical places as “thin places,” where heaven and earth meet and we can experience the nearness of God.
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