‘Your Heart Is to Be an Altar of God’
In writing to a Poor Clare, St. Bonaventure said, “Your heart is to be an altar of God. It is here that the fire of intense love must burn always.”
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In writing to a Poor Clare, St. Bonaventure said, “Your heart is to be an altar of God. It is here that the fire of intense love must burn always.”
Celtic spiritual guides identified certain geographical places as “thin places,” where heaven and earth meet and we can experience the nearness of God.
Throughout our lives, our faith is going to experience ebbs and flows. Over time it will grow, change, and even, at times, be challenged.
“One is the human Spirit,” but the human Spirit is more than human because the human heart is unfathomable.
President-elect Donald Trump Jan. 7 reiterated his call for some companies that make investments in the U.S. economy to bypass some environmental regulations.
God’s love and mercy is revealed in Jesus breathing forth the Spirit of love and forgiveness upon his disciples.
Sometimes we feel at a loss for how many things in our lives age and break, run out, wear down, need replacing.
Sacred silence—there’s no irony or coincidence that the words “silent” and “listen” are spelled with the same letters.
There’s a wonderful upside to simple living: the possibility of becoming true craftsmen and craftswomen of the time we’re given. We all know that we
Humility is the hallmark spiritual virtue of letting go.
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