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Have you ever gotten lost? I mean completely and utterly disoriented and directionless
In his Letter to the Whole Order, Saint Francis writes…
When Moses went before the Pharaoh, he proclaimed the words God had spoken to him, “Let my people go!” The heartbeat of God was for the freedom and protection of his children.
Love God and do as you will, says St. Augustine, for love is its own commandment.
Valentine’s Day isn’t just for the romantics. And though this holiday has been commercialized repeatedly, the true meaning of this day is more powerful than any gift, bouquet of flowers, or diamond necklace.
The spirituality of St. Francis is not so much about the heroic deed as it is about the heroic love with which even the smallest deed is done.
When someone takes the time to listen to us, to hear our concerns, our stories, our dreams, we feel valued. We feel wanted, that we matter and belong. That feeling is something we all hunger for.
Once Francis knew God’s will, whether from some mystical voice or from listening to the scriptures, he would immediately try to live it out.
Embracing spirituality and humility allows us to quiet our minds and hearts, finding solace in the presence of God.
Love was the reason for Jesus from all eternity.
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