Faith and Family: The Joys and Challenges of Caregiving
Forever etched in my mind is an image of my oldest daughter, Maddie, sitting at the bedside of her grandma—my mom—at the hospice center shortly before my mom’s death.
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Forever etched in my mind is an image of my oldest daughter, Maddie, sitting at the bedside of her grandma—my mom—at the hospice center shortly before my mom’s death.
Francis no longer saw his body as something apart from him. He was his body; the spirit and body were one. He was one person.
The quiet nobility of the trees, the songs and sounds of the forest, and the sensation of being surrounded by a pulsing lifeforce all combine for what can be a sublime spiritual experience, if we open ourselves up to it.
Like love itself, joyful generosity is measured not by how much we give out, but by how little we hold back.
A natural theology doesn’t worship creation but sees and hears within creation a witness of praise to the creator. All that is created by the divine has a divine providence.
Folding rather than hanging our clothes is a lot like praying rather than worrying about our lives.
Many of us, in a truly admirable way, place our faith at the center, and are quite disciplined. But can we also invite lighthearted elements into our spiritual practices?
St. Francis was a heartfelt ally to everything and everyone around him.
As I think about my empty nest and upcoming retirement, I can’t help but wonder if the best is behind me. Is God done with me?
Breathing is the most basic thing we do in life, but it is likely also the thing we overlook the most. Try to inhale God’s peace and exhale your anxieties.
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