Advent with the Saints: Francis of Assisi
St. Francis left his prosperous life in Assisi and descended to the marshes to serve the lepers.
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St. Francis left his prosperous life in Assisi and descended to the marshes to serve the lepers.
I must confess in my years of studying the Bible, I have not been a big fan of King David.
Feeling overwhelmed and wanting to escape doesn’t mean we are quitters. It just means we are human—and in pretty good company.
From Father Jim: “While we celebrate the birth of Christ as this great memorial, as this great celebration, as this great solemnity. We are a people with feet in two worlds, the world to come and the world that is that we live in now. Advent points us towards that always and it does it in such short term basis. That’s why we have to be alert, why we have to be attentive, why the prophets constantly tell us to wake up, wake up, wake up, because that really is the true sign of conversion.”
When you pour a morning beverage, be grateful. When you see the face of another for the first time today, look with love.
A Scripture scholar once commented that the genealogy in Matthew’s Gospel is one of the least-appreciated parts of the Bible.
On this day, the sun travels the shortest path in the sky, resulting in the one day of the year with the least sunlight.
Joseph is the silent figure in the Christmas stories. We never hear him speak; his annunciation—in Matthew’s Gospel—narrates Joseph’s story without giving us any of his words.
In our day, “Good Pope John” carried the message of the Good News to the world with graciousness and humor.
Hope is a beacon that guides us through life’s darkest moments. By cultivating it, we can find light even in difficult times and inspire others to do the same.
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