Sharing the Word for April 11, 2022 – Holy Week – Year 2

Monday of Holy Week

April 11, 2022
Daily Reading from the USCCB: John 12:1-11

Holy Week begins. The theme of Jesus’ identity gives way to the details of the plot to kill him. In today’s reading, Jesus is at a dinner given by his friends Martha and Mary and Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. The inevitable crowd is present–some to see Jesus, some to see Lazarus.

Judas begins to show his true colors in his dismay at the anointing of Jesus’ feet by Mary. Judas wasn’t really concerned about the poor. But he cared about the money and himself.

The Jewish leaders plan to kill Jesus, and Lazarus too. Both were dangerous. Jesus knows he is surrounded by evil. All he can do is continue to be faithful to the will of his Father.

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