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Sharing the Word for August 21, 2023 – Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time – Year 1

Memorial of Saint Pius X

August 21, 2023
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Matthew 19:16-22

Today we meet the rich young man who wants to know how to gain eternal life. Jesus advises him to sell what he has and give to the poor.

Wealth and resources interfere with gaining eternal life. They give us a sense of security. They undermine our awareness of being dependent on God. Giving away our resources has to be part of our Christian spirituality.

It’s not a matter of reducing ourselves to penury but of regular sharing–regular giving away. This is not just in order to benefit the recipient of our giving, but to keep ourselves in a posture of generosity. Followers of Christ are called to stewardship–giving, not just because the other needs to receive, but because we need to give.

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