Sharing the Word for February 3, 2021

Wednesday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time

February 3, 2021
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Mark 6:1-6
Audio file

Jesus goes home for a visit. His family and friends are not impressed. “Who does he think he is? He’s no better than we are.” Because of that, Mark says Jesus was “not able to perform any mighty deed there.”

This doesn’t mean that Jesus had become powerless. The issue here is the nature of Jesus’ “mighty deeds.” When Jesus cures and heals he’s not just doing nice things for people. Rather, Jesus is inviting people to entrance into the kingdom.

If all that people see in Jesus’ miracles are quick cures they’re missing his point. Sometimes Jesus is not able to perform mighty deeds because the people to whom the deeds are addressed are unable to receive them.

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