Sharing the Word for January 22, 2022

Saturday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

January 22, 2022
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Mark 3:20-21

In today’s reading as Jesus comes down the mountain after choosing his apostles, the inevitable crowd pushes into Jesus’ house. It makes such a fuss that Jesus and his companions couldn’t even get something to eat.

What was in the mind of the crowds? Did they see in Jesus a man of God–a prophet? Or a revolutionary who would bring them political freedom? Or were they just curious–wondering what was going on?

And there’s his family. They tried to carry Jesus away. Did they want to protect him from himself? Or from the crowd? Or were they afraid of the consequences that Jesus’ activity might bring on themselves? Whatever the explanation, Jesus keeps on doing what he had been sent to do.

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