Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time
July 21, 2022
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Matthew 13:10-17
One of the ways Jesus taught his listeners was by what are called “parables.” These are basically stories with human and even animal characters that by their words and actions convey a basic truth Jesus has for his listeners. Two of the most popular would be the parables of the prodigal son and of the lost sheep.
Our own western culture is more interested in facts and stories about real people and situations. Nevertheless, the imagery Jesus used was very familiar to his listeners. At the same time, they had to be willing to understand that often Jesus’ parables/stories were about his listeners own lives. But that would be true of us also.
It’s probably not difficult to recall times in life’s journey when we were “lost and wayward.” We really needed to be found again through God’s love and care for us. Then too, we may have been helpful to others when the Lord used us as his shepherd. We might ask, “Who have been the shepherds in our own lives who have helped us?” Or “For whom have we been a shepherd?”