Sharing the Word for July 4, 2020

Saturday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

July 4, 2020
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Amos 9:11-15

These are the closing words of Amos’s prophecy. Scholars think that they may have been produced sometime later than the rest of Amos’s book.

In contrast to the doom and destruction foreseen in the rest of the book these closing verses speak of future restoration and prosperity. There will come a time when the fallen house of David is lifted up again. The harvest will be too abundant to be gathered in a single harvest season. God’s people will never again be taken away from the land the Lord has given them.

Good times are part of God’s plan for his people. No matter how grim the present reality may be, God somehow provides a happy ending. It was so then, it is so now.

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