The Bible opened to Isaiah

Sharing the Word for July 4, 2023

Tuesday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

July 4, 2023
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Genesis 19:15-29

The messengers who had visited Abraham recognized that Sodom had to be destroyed. Abraham’s nephew Lot, is to be spared–perhaps because of his innocence or because of his connection with Abraham.

But Lot and his family do not seem to be receptive of what God wants to bestow on them. They don’t see how they can simply walk away from the sinful city. God’s agents practically force them to flee to safety. Lot’s wife doesn’t follow the angels’ directions and is punished.

It’s not unusual for people to reject God’s gifts. At some time or another we all think we know better than God or that we can execute God’s plans more effectively than God can. There is something of Lot in each of us.

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