Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent
March 21, 2023
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12
Ezekiel proclaims a vision of water flowing down from the temple toward the sea–plentiful enough to make the salt sea fresh, sufficient to bring life to every creature. The people who first heard Ezekiel’s words were in exile and they would have interpreted what he is saying as a promise of renewed life when they got back to their homeland.
Ezekiel’s words also apply to us. God will provide everything we need for fruitfulness and security of life. In addition, Ezekiel’s words apply to those who will be washed in the water of baptism at the Easter Vigil. New life will be theirs–a life that is nothing less than a sharing in the life of the Lord.
God invites us all to live.