Sharing the Word for March 30, 2022

Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent

March 30, 2022
Daily Reading from the USCCB: John 5:17-30

This reading is part of Jesus’ response to the Jewish leaders who were criticizing him for working on the Sabbath when he cured the paralytic at the pool of Bethsaida.

In this discourse Jesus tells his antagonists that he is the equal of God the Father, that he is to be honored as the Father is honored, that he works with the Father, that the Father has entrusted all judgment to him.

Jesus says that accepting his words is the key to eternal life. To the extent that we are in touch with him, we live. In these verses Jesus pronounces himself to be the standard and source of godliness and of life. No wonder his enemies wanted to get rid of him.

Pause and Pray

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