Wednesday of the Twenty-third Week in Ordinary Time
September 7, 2022
Daily Reading from the USCCB: Luke 6:20-26
Luke’s Gospel gives us the essence of true Christianity–the Beatitudes. Those who are poor, who weep, and who are hungry, are seen by God as truly blessed. Note that this is not because they are perfect or sinless; rather it is because they are so often treated with disdain and disrespect. Those who suffer in this world simply because of their status have a special place in the kingdom of God.
They are defenseless and without recourse to society’s justice for they seem to count for nothing. They are the easy victims of the world whose cries few people hear. In our own nation we can’t help but see individuals who are counted to be of little value. In reality they are our brothers and sisters.
Psalm 34 reminds us that “the Lord hears the cry of the poor…every spirit crushed, God will save.” Most people in our society may not be wealthy or well-to-do. Yet most are able to live in reasonable comfort, and their willingness to give to the poor only enriches them in the eyes of God. Jesus says, “What you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do to me.” In fact it is the criteria Jesus himself gives for the Last Judgment.