Dear Reader: Guideposts along the Way

There are certain things in life that just seem to go together: peanut butter and jelly, summer and baseball. That same thinking often applies to people too. For instance, when we think of St. Francis, we often go to animals and creation, don’t we?

In that same way, it’s almost impossible to think of Ireland and not speak of St. Patrick.

Years ago, when I traveled to Ireland with my dad, we both quickly realized, though, that our across-the-ocean perspective of this beloved saint wasn’t the full story. No, the St. Patrick of Ireland and what he meant to the people of his adopted homeland were not what I had learned about. Sure, thanks to the many Irish immigrants who came and brought their faith to the United States, those of us in other countries have gotten a taste of what this beloved saint means to the Irish, but it’s just that—an outsider’s view.

That is why we wanted to provide you, our readers, with a more intimate look into how the people of Ireland celebrate their beloved patron saint on his blessed feast day. We hope you enjoy it!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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