Dear Reader: Saints in a Vacuum

For most of us, when we think of saints, we view them as frozen in time. St. Francis will always be wandering the hills of Assisi, preaching the Gospel, and facing the challenges of the Church in his time. But what if we allowed ourselves to expand our vision of the saints a bit? What if we tried to think about their messages, teachings, and words and apply them to modern-day scenarios?

Patti Normile does exactly that in her article, “Walking through Assisi with Sts. Francis and Clare.” Normile takes readers on a trip to Assisi, traveling the very roads that Francis walked. But it is not merely a travelogue. Rather, “You are invited to visit these sites in prayer and to ponder questions related to Francis’ time that can bring insights and hope into the 21st century,” she writes.

Places such as San Damiano—where St. Francis heard God’s call to “repair my house”—and the refuge of the Carceri offer much food for thought for armchair pilgrims. Following in the footsteps of Sts. Francis and Clare brings the light of their wisdom to help us through challenges we face today.

May St. Francis—and all the saints—guide you along your journey.

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