Have you ever had that one teacher who had such a positive impact that you carried the lessons from her or him forward for years to come? I certainly did. That teacher was Elizabeth Bookser Barkley, author of our cover story on Catholic colleges on page 22 of this issue. In her classes at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio, I learned the best practices for interviewing and how to craft a good story out of those interviews. She also helped me hone my skills in editing and tune in to the mental aspects of what it means to be a writer. Ironically, she also taught my fellow executive editor, Christopher Heffron, so she must be doing something right.
That is why we both knew she would be the perfect fit to write about the benefits of a Catholic college education. She has seen it firsthand, in addition to being a key part of providing such an environment for students.
As many students head back to school this month, we say “thank you” to all those teachers who work tirelessly and have made an impact on the lives of so many students. They are helping to shape our future.