Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle A
June 21, 2020
The focus of today’s Scripture readings is on Jeremiah attacked by the religious leaders of his time, and Jesus’ teaching about enduring persecution. Both Jeremiah and Jesus faced deadly opposition from their own people. Their words encourage us to stand firm if we are attacked for living our faith.
Recall some of the things that are happening in your life today. Do you face opposition when you express your faith? Do your good actions lead others to criticize you or make harsh comments against you? Do you sometimes feel that others are just mean to you? If so the example of Jeremiah and the teaching of Jesus might give you courage and hope when you face problems in your life.
Consider how the Covid-19 epidemic caused major problems in our lives. We all face difficulties of various sorts—things like sickness, the death of loved ones, job issues, marital issues. How are we reacting?
The witness of Jeremiah and the teachings of Jesus should be a challenge for us to keep moving ahead in living our lives of faith.
What will you do in the days ahead?