St. Clare of Assisi

Cross with a purple ribbon

Lent with St. Clare: Fifth Thursday

When Clare left her home to join Francis and his brothers, her family immediately sought to bring her back, even using force to try to do so. But Clare held tight to both the altar and her conviction as they ...
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Cross with a purple ribbon

Lent with St. Clare: Fifth Wednesday

Clare didn’t set out to be a model of faith. At the time, she was only living out what she saw as a call to serve God simply, humbly, and obediently.
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Cross and a crown of thorns

Lent with St. Clare: Fifth Tuesday

Early biographies extol the piety and generosity Clare exhibited in her youngest years. While such praise was common in telling the stories of saints, the evidence of her early behavior contrasts sharply with that of Francis.
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Purple flowers

Lent with St. Clare: Fifth Monday

Beginning with Mother Mary, our faith is blessed with a long line of strong and holy women. Clare is definitely one of them. Just like Mary, it took great strength and courage to take the path that she did.
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Purple flower in a field

Lent with St. Clare: Fifth Sunday

Clare’s holiness began while she was still a child. She was known for her mercy for others, often wore a hairshirt under her fine clothes, and vowed celibacy at a young age. Those stirrings were fueled by her mother’s staunch ...
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Cross inside a purple heart

Lent with St. Clare: Fourth Saturday

Clare’s incarnational spirituality is radical. It is not a “consumer spirituality” for curious seekers nor is it a spirituality for the ambivalent or weak of heart. It is a spirituality of participation in the mystical Body of Christ.
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