St. Clare of Assisi

Lent with the Saints

Lent with the Saints: Clare

Clare’s vocation, nurtured in her family’s home with her mother and sisters, had grown into a longing to live the gospel life in simple service.
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Why St. Francis Belongs on the Birdbath

Since his death, St. Francis of Assisi has been the subject of some of the world’s most admired works of art.
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Painting of Saint Clare and Saint Francis of Assisi

Clare and Francis: Assisi’s Most Dangerous Citizens

Sometimes we are so attracted to the saints for our own reasons that we fail to see how radical they were in their day.
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Sisterhood of Saints: Clare of Assisi

Louise de Marillac and Vincent de Paul. Paula and Jerome. Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross. It’s not unusual for women saints to have had non-romantic ministry or spiritual instruction relationships with men also honored by the Church. ...
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St. Clare of Assisi: A Little Plant or a Mighty Oak?

East of the Piazza del Commune in Assisi, stands the Cathedral of San Rufino. Near the church and its adjacent piazza once stood the home of the nobleman and knight, Favarone Offreduccio and his wife, Ortulana.
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Radical Saint, Radical Faith: Clare of Assisi

She gave up a world of privilege for a world of poverty. Her profound faith is a model for us all.
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